Also as part of the 153th General Assembly of the BIE, the second evening of reception had been reserved by the Russian bid of Ekaterinburg 2020.
In answer to Dubai, which was particularly well illustrated during their evening in November 2012, it appears that the Russians had wanted to be very strong, but relying on another register.
I remember these events, evenings in marges of the General Assemblies of the BIE are of course better to know the candidates and the culture of their country, but also to prove to the guests, most of whom are delegates from member countries of the BIE, the involvement of the main advantages of the bid, with a reception of quality, which also involved personalities supporting the project.
We saw Monday, Sao Paulo 2020 has chosen for its reception a place in direct relation with the Expos, the Palais de Chaillot, built for the International Exhibition of 1937 in Paris, it was the same for Ekaterinburg Expo 2020, with a very prestigious place, linked to the most famous of the universal Exhibition that took place in Paris, also a reflection of the Franco-Russian friendship ... a symbol!
Indeed, it is at the foot of the Grand Palais and the Pont Alexandre III that Russia's bid was chosen to install this event!
As for the reception itself? this is actually the Russian Empire, in all its splendor and its classicism, which had made an appointment to all BIE delegates. I rather not go into the details of the evening, you can watch the photos below.
The Ekaterinburg reception along the Seine, at the foot of the Pont Alexandre III.
So what's about the Russian bid? what are his chances?
Of the five candidates in the presence (Turkey - Thailand - Russia - UAE - Brazil), it is clear that the two tenors Dubai and Ekaterinburg, to keep it simple, on each side, deep pockets and a strong desire to accomplish but there will be only one winner!
But money is not everything, many criteria are taken into account, the criteria that will be decisive for the BIE delegates during the votes in next November.
Already, we can't say that one of these two candidates shines the light of the chosen theme ... Dubai is interested in "Connectivity" (similar to the Belgian candidate for 2017 theme) and Ekaterinburg in "The Planetary Spirit: The Future of Globalization and its impact on our world," they summed up in "Global Mind, "but not much more explicit ... and as to approach the theme of Ayutthaya, but much less understandable. Moreover, it has been observed many times they struggle to explain the concept of this topic.

But if the theme is one thing, the whole project is another much larger and complex, this project has been submitted to the BIE enquiry mission from 25 to 29 March 2013.
The project had the approval of BIE about the prerequisites, and appears in the good average of the Expos project. With 32 million visitors expected, the candidacy of Ekaterinburg provides a most popular event in the case of Dubai, which is especially international visitors. We still have to remember that these Expos are primarily large public events, it is an undeniable point in favor of Ekaterinburg.
However, the Russian still need to work hard to reassure, persuade, and to be very honest.
We will see after this 153th BIE General Assembly if the presentations of different teams have made real new elements, and if the balance between the candidates has changed.
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