Saturday, January 30, 2016

What new inventions would you like to see presented at ‪Expo 2020 Dubai ?

USB sticks, remote controls, and ATMs may all be replaced by newer technologies by 2020. What new inventions would you like to see presented at ‪#‎Expo2020‬ in ‪#‎Dubai‬?

Friday, January 29, 2016

Mobility, Science, Friends, Augmented Reality... with Expo 2020 Dubai

By 2020, electric cars could use Augmented Reality to help you drive more safely. What would you want your dream car to do in the future?

What scientific discoveries in 2016 would most excite you? 

How would you describe ‪#‎Expo2020‬ to your friends?

People are working to make Augmented Reality a part of our daily lives; from walkthroughs and tutorials for fixing a broken sink, to helping prevent motion sickness and jet lag. How could AR help you?

Some believe that entrepreneurs are born, not made. But can creativity and innovation be taught? Tell us what you think...

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Can you guess which of the inventions shown here were introduced at a past World Expo?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

First Global Ambassador for Expo 2020 Dubai

Expo 2020 is guided by the belief that innovation and progress are the result of people and ideas combining in new ways. Under the theme ‘Connecting Minds Creating the Future’, the international event aims to bring together hundreds of countries and millions of people to celebrate human ingenuity.

Leo Messi’s performances on the football pitch bring people together, and as a result his influence reaches far beyond it. He is the ideal person to be our first Global Ambassador. He overcame youthful health challenges to achieve his dreams of international excellence through hard work; making him an inspiration. He is perfectly placed to reach out to young people around the world, bringing them together to join us as we work towards hosting our World Expo in 2020.

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