Wednesday, June 19, 2019

World Expo inventions : the best way to cook potatoes

Go to the International Health Exhibition of 1884, in London.

This Expo takes place in a series of a few international exhibition in South Kensington in London, under the patronage of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales..

Four million people visited this Expo under the theme of Health for populace.

We were particularly interested by the show of Groom & Co... they present at the Expo an apparatus made to cook quickly and perfectly potatoes.

They obtained an Honorable Mention at the National Health Society's Exhibition in june 1883.

This invention is designed to meet an almot universal and daily want, viz., the means of cooking with certainly and precision all the various sorts of potatoes that are brought to consumers. Experience carefully conducted have failed to discover any sort of potato which cannit be successfully cooked by this new invention.

The inner lining, filled with potatoes, is placed in the bottom of the vessel, with sufficient water to well cover the potatoes; after boiling fifteen minutes, the lining is raised and fixed at the top, and in about twelve minutes, according to size, they are steamed to perfection.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

An remnant of EXPO at the Norskfolkemuseum in Oslo !

What was my surprise, when I discover this Expo remnant, during a visit at the incredible Open Air Museum "norskfolkemuseum" in Oslo, Norway:

The gateway to King Oscar II's Collections.

The world's first open air museum was founded here by King Oscar II in 1881. The gateway in the old norse 'dragon' style was originally commissioned by the timber-company Saugbruksforeningen for the 1883 Industrial Exhibition in Oslo and afterwards presented to the King. The architect was Holm Munthe, the foremost designer working in the «dragon»style. King Oscar's Collections were incorporated in the Norsk Folkemuseum in 1907, and the gateway lost its purpose and was eventually taken down in 1951. Its re-erection in 1994 on the original site is funded by the Foundation 'Frit Ord'.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Discover the logo, and more... of Australia pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai - UAE...

What do you think about a kangaroo in the logo ?
Of course... no risk of mistake !

Some links to follow Australia pavilion :

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Solar Oven by Augustin Mouchot, presented at the Expo 1878 Paris

The Device Mouchot (Le Monde Illustré 1878)

We know that the first attempt to use the sun's rays goes back to Archimedes who, 300 years before our era, used glowing mirrors to burn down the Roman vessels besieging Syracuse, and that this question was of great concern to the alchemists and physicists of the Middle Ages.

The first attempts to obtain an industrial result are due to a Frenchman, Salomon de Caus, whose work was brought to light on the occasion of the beautiful discovery of the properties of the steam; but the state of science did not allow him to benefit from his idea. It was necessary that the learned researches of Ducarla, de Saussure, Mariotte, Melloni, Pouillet, should enlighten the question so that it could be resolved with the simplicity which characterizes it today.

"A funnel and a glass of lamp," said Mr. Abel Pifre lately in a very marked lecture on the direct use of solar heat, "that's the whole thing," and in fact there is nothing else in the small models; for the big ones, the proportions are changed, nothing more.

By means of a simple mechanism and a child can maneuver, the solar generator is oriented in the direction of the sun. Its rays arrive parallel to the surface of the reflector. They are normally reflected on the glass envelope. They pass through it without difficulty, for the glass perfectly lets the light rays pass; but as soon as they have leaned it, meeting the blackened boiler which is in the axis of the reflector, they are transformed into obscure heat and remain prisoners in the glass enclosure, now impenetrable for them. All the artifice is there.

The results obtained in the Paris sun are already surprising. How much more will they be in hot countries, where the raising of water for agriculture, the calefaction of wine, the distillation of alcoholic substances and flowers, and the making of ice cream, will definitely open a new era of wealth and civilization.

It will be an honor for France to have equipped humanity with a new industrial machine and to have acquired a new title of recognition of posterity.
Mollot (Le Monde Illustré)

Augustin-Bernard Mouchot, born April 7, 1825 and died October 4, 1912 is a French engineer and teacher. He is best known for his work on solar energy.
He invents his first solar engine in 1866. Thanks to a subsidy obtained in 1871, he builds a solar oven of 4m ² which he presents to the Academy of Sciences at the end of 1875. Having obtained a new subsidy in 1877, he manufactures a new apparatus of 20m ² to be presented at the World Fair of 1878 in Paris. He will receive a gold medal.

Friday, June 7, 2019

History - Japanese pavilion at the Expo 1900 Paris

The Japan Pavilion is not found in the official pavilions of the Nations Street on the banks of the Seine, but takes in the lower left of gardens, down the slopes of the Trocadero, an important area in which several buildings are a real small Japanese city.

The main building is an interesting reconstruction of the famous pagoda Kondo at Nora, whose architecture dates back to the seventh century AD.

Built in wood, with two floors, the roof tucked in the corners, balconies blood red dragon projecting the floral golden yellow wall at his lotus base, brightened with a bird flying in the intermediate part and crowned at its top by a frieze with cloudy female profiles. This pavilion houses the Imperial Museum with the rarest pieces of Japanese art.

A bazaar and a series of small pavilions between which runs a stream, are staged around. The greenhouse and garden together the most magnificent specimens of the exotic horticulture and reveal gardening methods and artificial cultivation of the highest interest.

Tea and "sake" rice wine each have their pavilion to which hasten the tasters.

LOGO for Japan pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai UAE...

A so true Japanese design... what do you think about ?

A gentle image of Japan, formed by people joining hands
The triangles of various shapes and sizes in the four corners represent people opening both their hands and then joining hands with others to form a circle. This is a new Japanese shape that transcends race, age, and gender by bringing people together and sharing our feelings. The soft circle expresses the flexibility that matches the increasingly diverse Japan of the future, the ideas that emerge from refining and uniting our thoughts to achieve this future, and our expanded visions. It is our hope that this symbol can serve as a testament to the way people came together for one great purpose.

Read more :

Monday, June 3, 2019

First look for Lithuania pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai - UAE

Lithuania has elected the winner from 11 pavilion proposals!

The winner is - OPENARIUM! (by MB "Baukas").

Follow Lithuania pavilion news :